Hello big wide wordly web!

I'm known as That Skate Fairy
...or Hannah, Hannah-Man, Nana-bops, Nahz, Hanners, Peach, Plumpy, Cinnamonrole, Sugarplum,
 and any other sort of nickname that has found it's way into my life.

- Redeemed by God's Grace - A little random - I love to create in the kitchen -I have healed from the gut related health problems I had - Dancing is my dream - Music moves my soul - Books are my escape - Nature is my repose - Photography is my diary - Lipstick is my signature - Sparkles are my favorite color - Someday I will own a hedgehog - Carpe Diem - I 've been bitten by a travel bug - 20 -  Coffee is heaven in liquid form - I'm probably wearing a dress- Theskatefairy is my SnapChat username- ThatSkateFairy is my photography account on Instagram-I might have a personal account as well, which could be found under the username Theyarenotbrown


  1. What a neat about page you have, Hannah! I love it (and your blog's name as well) :D


    1. Awww, thank you *SO MUCH,* Emily! <3

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Miss Evie! <3

  3. Cute Blog! XD
    I am going to start a blog soon do you have any tips?

    1. Thank you so much, Emma! <3
      Hmm...some beginner tips would be...
      1.) Find people who's blogs you feel connected to, and who you share some common interest with. Get part of a blogging community and family!
      2.) Doesn't matter if you write well or not, it all comes down to the pictures. Have lots, and make sure they are big enough to see. :)
      3.) Be you! Honestly, don't conform you blog for anyone. Blog because you enjoy it, and blog about what YOU love! People will adore you and your blog when you're open and honest real. :)
      I'm SO happy you stopped by, and hopefully this helped. :)

    2. Thanks!
      I can't want and will send you a link when I get it started.

    3. Please do! I'd love to check it out! :)

  4. I might not have it up for a little bit but Yay!!


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