Phone Dump and While In Betweens

Hello World!

This post is a bit different.
It's kind of exactly what my title says it is too.
A phone dump, with lots of #Whileinbetween photos.   

The other morning a thick fog had settled in the sky right as the sunrise hit. 
With the sun streaming through, it was pretty stunning.

My siblings made me a bike.
I never did a post on it, and I don't know why because I was tickled pink!
It's been pretty fun riding everywhere with my siblings.

While out on a drive with my brother the sunset was simply gorgeous.

I've been trying my hand at late coffee art.
This was meant to be a heart.

My mom and I went on a walk together the other day,
and while looking over the pictures I had taken on my phone, they were about a thousand and one of nature.
So here are some of the best shots. 

For Mother's Day we rode on a ferry and spent the day relaxing on the other side and beach combing.
These are some of the random pictures I took of the day.

Reading in the car.

 Because while everyone is waiting to board a ferry they take a picture of their outfit.
I was very proud of my new Nirvana shirt. ;)

>> It was a good day << 


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