Buttons and Blogs

Hello World!

Guess what?!
That's right!
I made a blog button!
And you can grab it yourself too!
I feel quite accomplished.


Also, Vanessa is amazing.
Because of her I made a blog button in the first place.
She has a new page up where she features other blogs and she added my button!
You should really check her and her blog out.
I have definitely been enjoying getting to know her. :)

I know I post about fashion mainly on my blog.
Well that and #whileinbetween moments.
But I am thinking of writing a bit more on the blog.
I might start journaling my food ventures a bit more.
For better or worse. 
Or just more...
Anyways this post is pretty random.
So I am going to end with the link to the most adorable song in the world.


  1. It has been really great getting to know you too! I was wondering and forgot to ask where you made your button? Looks really nice. You should definitely post more life time adventures and things like that!

    1. Awww, thanks gurl!!! I uploaded my picture to PicMonkey, edited it there, and then uploaded it to Photobucket as the HTML carrier for the HTML gadget, which I got from Blogger. :)
      Haha, I have been very much inspired by your blog. ;)

  2. I LOVE your button! Which reminds me, I really should have a button up for my blog...
    Yes, Vanessa is totally awesome. I love her blog.


    1. Thank you SO MUCH Tane! YES!! You should!!! Especially with the gorgeous art you create, you could make something S.O.B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!
      Right? She has been a really sweet and amazing friend in the blogging community.:)

  3. I would love more "life" posts!! Adorable Button XD Well done!

    1. Awww, thanks Ashby!! <3 <3 <3 I felt like one of those dorky memes when I figured it out and completed it, as you know me. Not really the computer type. ;)
      I am thinking I need to! I don't post enough...I just need to find time to take photos. ;)

  4. Hannah this is so sweet. I love the song it was a beautiful reminder of Papa Willi.
    Thank you. Love you forever;


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